Preventing Plumbing Problems in the Summer: Tips for a Trouble-Free Season

Service and Repair...DoneRite!

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy warm weather, outdoor activities, and family gatherings. While you're busy making the most of the season, the last thing you want to deal with is a plumbing problem. To help you avoid any unexpected issues, we've compiled a list of the top 5 summer plumbing tips to keep your home trouble-free. These simple steps can save time and money and ensure a smooth and enjoyable summer for you and your family.

Inspect Your Washing Machine Hoses

With the kids home from school, summer usually means more laundry. This increased usage can put extra stress on your washing machine hoses. Inspecting your hoses regularly is essential to prevent any potential leaks or bursts. Look for any signs of wear and tear, such as bulging, fraying, or cracking. If you notice any issues, it's time to replace the hoses. It's also a good idea to replace rubber hoses with stainless steel braided hoses for added durability and protection.

Clear Out Your Drains

Summer is the prime time for outdoor activities, leading to dirt, sand, and debris being tracked into your home. This can cause clogs in your drains, leading to slow draining or backups. To prevent this, it's essential to clear out your drains regularly. You can use hot water, baking soda, and vinegar to break up any buildup. If you're experiencing persistent clogs, it may be time to call a professional plumber to assess the situation and provide a solution.

Check Your Sprinkler System

Keeping your lawn and garden lush during the hot summer requires a properly functioning sprinkler system. To ensure your system is working efficiently, take the time to inspect it for any leaks, broken sprinkler heads, or other issues. Adjust your sprinklers to water your plants and lawn, not your driveway or sidewalk. This will help conserve water and save you money on your water bill.

Be Mindful of What You Put Down Your Garbage Disposal

Summer barbecues and cookouts can lead to increased use of your garbage disposal. You must be mindful of what you're putting down to prevent clogs and keep your disposal running smoothly. Avoid disposing of fibrous or hard-to-grind foods, such as corn husks, fruit pits, and bones. It's also a good idea to run cold water through the disposal for a few seconds before and after use to help flush any remaining debris down the drain.

Schedule a Plumbing Inspection

One of the best ways to prevent plumbing problems during the summer is to schedule a professional inspection. A skilled plumber can assess your entire plumbing system, identify any potential issues, and provide recommendations for any necessary repairs or maintenance. Addressing these problems early can avoid costly repairs and ensure a trouble-free summer.

At DoneRite Plumbing, we're committed to helping you prevent plumbing problems in the summer with our comprehensive Preventing Plumbing Problems in the Summer: Tips for a Trouble-Free Season services. Our experienced team of plumbers can provide inspections, repairs, and maintenance to keep your home running smoothly all season long.

Contact DoneRite Plumbing today to schedule your summer plumbing inspection and enjoy peace of mind knowing your home is in good hands!
